The Dream


Thank you. Thank you for coming into my dream last night. 
I longed to see your faces again.
An that old house where most of my childhood were spent.
That old chair where you would sit and wander.
That old floor where it used to be filled with laughter.

Thank you. Thank you for coming into my dream last night.
How I am desperate to be with all of you again.
I am tired. I am exhausted. I just pray that itll just end.

Thank you. Thank you for coming into my dream last night.
Soon, we shall meet again.


These past few weeks.
I kept thinking about death.
Will it just be a phase?
How would it feel to be dead.
Never have I felt so alone and lonely.
The images of my everyone.
kept creeping up to me.
Maybe because I am missing them horribly.
Or maybe life does no longer excites me.


I just wanna go.
I just wanna go.
I just wanna go.
I just wanna go.

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