The Philosophy Unleashed:

Never in a million years that I would actually see a day when a label would be interested to release anything from my black metal one man band project, Filsufatia (a play on the arabic term for the Philosophy), other than my own, if I were to have one that is. Today I opened my trustworthy myspace account to find that I got this private message from Carnage Music, a Kelantan based local independent heavy metal label, offering to release Filsufatia’s fourth demo, Immortalis and add Filsufatia into their little artist roaster on Carnage Music. Although it was not really a big deal since I really do trust that the offer was only a gesticulation of support from one Kelantanese metalhead to another, but still it was an honor that they wanted to release the damn thing through their label.

Not that I will be getting any money out of it, but I bet it would be loads of fun, at least for me, to see Immortalis being released in a much better and appropriate material even if it was only on a burned compact disc with a zeroxed black and white cover. I was made to further understand that the plan was that it would be going to be a limited release of thirty copies only. I made them an offer to add some additional tracks so that it would appear to be money worthy track wise. It would be a great experience and opportunity. Thank you fellas. All hail Kelantanese heavy metal.

1 tulisan tambahan:

Unknown said...

tahniah bro. baguslah kalau macam tuh. aku suka melihat kawan2 berjaya .

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