The Amir Erwan Trilogy:

Amir Erwan posted me some queries about making money through blog advertisements just now. It was kind of weird since he himself is one hell of an ace when it comes to computer systems, programs, gadgets and all thing cyberspace, and there he was, asking little old me about adsense. Dude, you do not need no fucking adsense when you can direct download movies in 5 fucking seconds! Yes, since he swanked about the ability of his office computer to download incredible amount of naughty movies movie files from the Internet at a super human and unreasonable speed of light, this guy has inevitably become our lightning rod of jealousy, envy and resentment. Haha.

I myself am not really that well versed when it comes to moneymaking blogs. I first found out the potential of earning extra income through blogging, when I first started my first blog, the infamous Kedai Mendownload in 2006. Yes, it was kind of late to start blogging back then, I suppose, but as far as I can remember, I was exposed to the world of blogs (the blogosphere as it is popularly and widely known) since the year 2000 but I never took the first step to start one since I am more convenient with the conventional way of writing, with a pen and a paper.

When I first started Kedai Mendownload, I studied a bit about blog advertisements and how the system works and earn me money. I tried all sorts of advertisement programs in the likes of Google adsense, Adbrite or the local Nuffnang and Advertlets. Or the online shop based programs like Chitika and Amazon. There were also link-based programs like Usercash, or Linkbucks or the infamous Text-Link-Ads. It was loads of fun. I still remember putting so many advertisements in Kedai Mendownload, it took ages for the page to load.

You can easily earn money through clicks, page views or affiliations. There is a trick in doing this. You need to disguise and cloak the ads so that it would appear that the ad links were a part of your blog or web page. The most common way to do this is by having both the page and the ads, bear the same background and font color. Camouflage them a bit. You will fool every one. As far as I am concern, you can really earn form these ad programs. You can either have them propelled by cheque via the legendary snail mail or wire your earning through your paypal account. You need to have a paypal account first in order to do that though.

4 tulisan tambahan:

Hope said...

How much can you make anyway?

Albinaini said...

depends. If your unique visitors reached more than 10000 a day, you will earn more. Kedai Mendownload earned USD0.50 maximum during those days. hahaha. The usual would be USD 0.20.

ini aku said...

weh, pehal lak nama aku klua, ni, hahahaha, ces

aku admit yg aku agak kurang arif pasal adsense, sbb IT ni terlalu banyak bahagian, aku dah fokus ke bahagian networking, sbb aku rase tu antara major yg paling susah

but aku mmg rase nak involve ngan bende2 tu balik, so mmg aku rase lebih elok tanye org yg btol2 dah involve macam ko, fizi pon kate camtu gak, muahahaha, ces ko benign

sebenarnye aku saje nak surf ape yg google leh bagi search results pada nama aku, last2 jumpe sini, hahaha

knowledge is about sharing, kite mmg tak sepatutnye ego dan sombing, tapi cube utk belajar dr mereka yg lebih arif, aku tak semestinya pandai semua bende :)

Albinaini said...

sombing tu apa mir. hahaha

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